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CarePartners Career Opportunities/Emplois

Your Patient Rights


CarePartners is one of your providers of home and community care services. As a patient receiving our services, you have the right to:

01. Respectful treatment: Be dealt with in a respectful manner and to be free from physical, sexual, mental, emotional, verbal, and financial abuse.

02. Dignity and privacy: Be dealt with in a manner that respects your dignity and privacy that promotes your autonomy and participation in decision-making. 

03. Your individuality and preferences: Be dealt with in a manner that recognizes your individuality and that is sensitive to and responds to your needs and preferences, including those based on ethnic, spiritual, linguistic, familial and cultural factors. 

04. No discrimination: Receive services free from discrimination on any ground of discrimination prohibited by the Human Rights Code or the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. 

05. Culturally safe service: Receive services in a culturally safe manner. 

06. Clear information: Clear and accessible information about your services.

07. Participate in managing your needs: Participate in the assessment of your needs, development of your care plan, reassessment of your needs, and revision of your care plan. 

08. Include a health care designate: Designate a person to be present with you during assessments.

09. Help create your care plan: Participate in the development, evaluation and revision of your care plan.

10. Receive coordination assistance: Receive assistance in coordinating your services from CarePartners or Health Care atHome, if you receive more than one service

11. Give or refuse your consent: Give or refuse consent to the provision of any service.

12. Raise concerns or suggest changes: Raise concerns or recommend changes regarding the service provided to you and with policies and decisions that affect your interests, to CarePartners, the Agency and its employees, government officials or any other person, without fear of interference, coercion, discrimination, or reprisal.

13. Be informed about the rules: Be informed of the laws, rules and policies affecting CarePartners’ operation, including this Patient Bill of Rights, and to be informed, in writing, of the procedures for initiating complaints about CarePartners.

To file a complaint or share feedback with us, email

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Advance Care Planning buttonYour Patient Responsibilities buttonYour Personal Health Information buttonTaking Steps to Stay Healthy buttonProtecting Yourself in Emergencies buttonProtecting Yourself from Abuse buttonStaying Safe Inside Your Home button



If you have questions, concerns, or feedback, please contact the office you normally deal with (closest to the patient’s home address). You can find all the contact information for this office in your Welcome pamphlet.