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Advance Care Planning


It is never too early for anyone to think about their wishes. Advance Care Planning Ontario recommends you:

  1. Identify and decide on your substitute decision maker(s) – someone who is willing and able to speak on your behalf if you cannot speak for yourself.
  2. Learn about your overall health by talking with your healthcare providers.
  3. Think about what is most important to you – about your values, wishes and beliefs.
  4. Talk about your values, wishes and beliefs with your substitute decision maker(s), family, friends and health care providers.
  5. Include your substitute decision maker(s) in conversations whenever possible so they can be prepared to make future decisions if they need to.


A health care professional and a patient holding hands while sitting together.

To learn more about advance care planning and legal substitute decision makers, visit This site provides helpful videos, workbooks, and more.

Browse other topics in the Guide to Living Well:

Your Patient Rights buttonYour Patient Responsibilities buttonYour Personal Health Information buttonTaking Steps to Stay Healthy buttonProtecting Yourself in Emergencies buttonProtecting Yourself from Abuse buttonStaying Safe Inside Your Home button



If you have questions, concerns, or feedback, please contact the office you normally deal with (closest to the patient’s home address). You can find all the contact information for this office in your Welcome pamphlet.