Contact Us/Nous Joindre
CarePartners Career Opportunities/Emplois

Your Patient Responsibilities


As a patient receiving services from CarePartners’ health care professionals, you have the responsibility to:A patient opening the door for a home health care professional.


  • Treat your health care professionals with respect.

  • Ensure other household members and visitors to your home treat your health care professionals with respect.

  • Never abuse your health care professionals. Abuse includes threats, yelling, hitting, or making sexual or humiliating remarks. Do not allow any household member or visitor to abuse your health care professionals.

  • Ensure your driveway, walkway, and stairs are safe and free of snow or ice.

  • Do not smoke or vape tobacco, marijuana or any other substance while CarePartners health care professionals are in your home.

  • Participate in your care.

  • Ensure the inside of your home is free from hazards that may cause injury. This includes ensuring all pets are secured away from the care areas while CarePartners health care professionals are providing care.

  • Be available at the scheduled time or notify CarePartners of your need for an alternate visit time.

  • Always obtain the consent of the health care professional before photographing or videotaping.

When a CarePartners health care professional is in your home, or at a school or workplace, this is their workplace. To ensure our employees’ safety, we may request specific actions and recommendations. 

A health care professional holding a tablet while sitting with a patient and a patient partner.

Please note that our employees are professionals and they are not allowed to:

  • Keep a key to your home
  • Discuss other patients
  • Become your power of attorney or witness the signing of documents
  • Drive you or your family in personal vehicles
  • Bring personal visitors to your home
  • Borrow from you or lend anything to you
  • Sell anything to you or buy anything from you
  • Connect with you on social media, such as Facebook, Instagram or TikTok
  • Accept gifts, including money, from you or your family members

Note: While we understand that personal care situations can sometimes become stressful or uncomfortable, we will not tolerate violence and harassment towards our employees. If you have any concerns about your care or the conduct of your health care professional, please contact your local office using the contact information in your Welcome Guide.

Browse other topics in the Guide to Living Well:

Advance Care Planning buttonYour Patient Rights buttonYour Personal Health Information buttonTaking Steps to Stay Healthy buttonProtecting Yourself in Emergencies buttonProtecting Yourself from Abuse buttonStaying Safe Inside Your Home button



If you have questions, concerns, or feedback, please contact the office you normally deal with (closest to the patient’s home address). You can find all the contact information for this office in your Welcome pamphlet.