CarePartners is inviting patients, family members, and caregivers to join our Patient Partner Community. We want to work with you to design the best possible care and service delivery experience for all our patients.
Patient Partners are individuals who have interacted with CarePartners’ services. Whether you are a current or former patient yourself, or a family member/caregiver of a current or former patient, your unique perspectives and feedback are invaluable. Patient Partners have the opportunity to directly impact our programs, processes, and policies by working closely with our staff and contributing their insights.
We are seeking individuals who are willing to be open, honest, and dedicated to improving the experience of all CarePartners’ patients by providing meaningful input.
Effective partnership reflects the diversity of the people served by CarePartners and their unique experiences. To ensure that Patient Partner contributions reflect and respond to a broad range of lived experiences, we welcome and encourage interest from a variety of backgrounds and perspectives.
If you become a Patient Partner, we may ask you to:
· Participate in committees, representing a broad range of patient interests, needs and backgrounds
· Participate in projects or process improvement initiatives
· Share your personal story and experiences with CarePartners services
· Review materials and communications intended for patients, families, and caregivers
We understand that everyone has different schedules and commitments. As a Patient Partner, you have the flexibility to determine how much time you would like to dedicate. Whether you can spare a few hours a month or just an occasional contribution, we appreciate any level of involvement. We will work with you to match your interests and availability. Our goal is to ensure that your experience is meaningful and manageable, and aligned with the time you would like to give.
As a Patient Partner, you will play a central role in shaping the care that we provide. You will work alongside healthcare professionals, administrative staff and other Patient Partners in a collaborative environment to contribute ideas and suggestions to enhance our services. Along the way, you will have the opportunity to develop and enhance skills such as leadership, communication, and teamwork. You will make a difference in how other patients around the province experience our care and services.
For more information, or if you have any questions about CarePartners' Patient Partnership program, please contact our
Patient Partnership Team at
Thank you for your interest in becoming a part of CarePartners’ community of patient, family, and caregiver partners!
Please sign up using this form to become a Patient Partner. You will be contacted by someone on the Patient Partnership team to help find the best opportunities to share your input or advice to help shape CarePartners and our services. If you have any question or prefer to provide this information over the phone, please reach out to 519.748.5002 at extension 1515 or send an email to
All information contained on this form is considered confidential and is only intended for use by the CarePartners Partnership Program.
CarePartners’ Patient Partnership Framework is a key foundational document developed in partnership with Patient Partners and intended to ensure Patient Partnership is at the core of everything that CarePartners does. It sets out the principles that guide inclusion of Patient Partners in our work, and is a demonstration of CarePartners’ commitment to patient, family, and caregiver partnership.
If you would like to view this framework in full, it is available to you upon request. Please contact our Patient Partnership team at 519.748,5002 extension 1515, or send an email to
Ensuring safe spaces for open dialogue,
where all voices are valued.
A commitment to partnership that acknowledges an individual's journey within a broader healthcare system.
A commitment to creating an environment where everyone feels a sense of belonging.
A culture that embraces change, flexibility, fluidity, and growth.
Exchanging knowledge, ideas, experience, and expertise through active listening.
Inclusion; Innovation & Adaptability; Empowerment; Whole Person Experience; Learning & Reflection; Advocacy
“If we welcome our patients to the planning table, together we can design a truly amazing health care experience.”
Linda Knight, Executive Chair and Founder